Monday, December 12, 2005

I Confess....


Batya from got me into this. So now I have to confess.

So I confess that:

I hate confessing about anything...

I always think I'm write and never wrong... (forget about spelling)

I hate washing my dirty laundry in public and in private well .... (I'm lucky I have a husband who enjoys doing laundry at all hours of the night...while I'm blogging ...)

but I confess that I complain afterwards that the colors ran...

I confess that sometimes I'm on overload and my brain starts acting a little strange like when my computers memory got overload and nothing seemed to work right and all I got were a bunch of errors that made no sense at all...

So when all this blogging gets me on overload and whose paying much attention to my blog anyway? and the kids can't find clothes to wear in the morning and and supper is ready at bedtime and I can't walk in my basement anymore because the clutter has taken over and my house is begging for my attention, I confess that my new occupation is now "home organization".

Stay tuned for a new blog on that subject....

And my last confession is that I can't think of anyone to tag who has a blog. I can think of people that should have a blog but don't, like Evelyn Haze and my husband...

I confess that I'm new to blogging and I don't know many bloggers yet who I can tag and I'm a bit slow at playing catch but when I catch one, I'll post it. Robin..

And my very last confession is that my last confession wasn't quite my last...


  1. great job!
    You can tag any blogger you visit or have as contributors to yours. Of course, not me, since I tagged you!

  2. Thanks Batya! and not just for this comment...
