Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Moshe Feiglin's Mistake


This blog is in response to Moshe Feiglin's articles in Arutz7 entitled "If We Desire Life - Part 1 and 2"
Part one of this article can be read at]

In his article Moshe Feiglin writes

The basic assumption was that the State of Israel has sufficiently strong democratic foundations, making it possible to wage a democratic struggle without violence. Many people, headed by this writer, erred in this assumption. (I was mistaken regarding other things that I will specify later.)This assumption led the public to expend tremendous resources on demonstrations that changed nothing.

On December 22, 2004, I, (Faigerayzel) responded in opposition to David Wilders letter to support the Wallerstein Proclamation.

In this letter, it was apparent to me that civil disobedience was not the solution. The following letter reveals how I came to this conclusion. It was simply from the strong desire to keep the Mitzvoth of the Torah specifically the Mitzvah of Shemittah.

Re: Thank G-d For Pinchas - The Wallerstein Proclamation: Sign petition today...
12/22/04 12:21:40 AM Eastern Standard Time


Dear David, amv"sh

I don't believe civil disobedience is the solution. A stronger declaration needs to be made that Judea, Samaria is not subservient to the laws of the gov't of Israel. They are subservient first and foremost to the laws of the Torah. Last weeks Haftorah, Parsha Vayegash in Yechezkel talks about the Nevua of Malchei Yehudaha and Malchei Yisroel being joined as one. Before two entities are joined they are separate. I believe that now is the reversal of the original Galus of Malchus Yehuda and Malchus Yisroel. I don't believe now that there is presently a division of Yehuda and Yisroel. We are slowly coming out of Galus where The Kingdom of Yisroel was by enlarge lost. Many say that the gov't of Israel is now the product of the Eruv Rav which I believe is true. I believe that the Jews first need to assert their Jewish identity which can only come from true Manhigut Yisroel. I am for Yesha ceding from this gov't if the gov't chooses to abandon them. It is for their survival. I don't believe the civil disobedience will work. The American colonies fought for the right to practice their religion and against religious persecution. By agreeing to being placed in jail you are bowing to the underlying premise that the gov't has the legal authority to put you in jail. If you imply that you will not fight for what you believe in, than it will be seen as a sign of weakness.

I strongly believe that now is the time for leaders of Yesha to seriously think and plan of ceding. Of course the ultimate goal is reunification but only as it says in Pasuk 24, 25 etc in the Haftorah in Yechezkel.

The Leaders of Yesha first have to proclaim that they wish to keep the Mitzvot of the Torah and not to break away from the gov't. Being that there is so many Mitzvot Teluyot Baaretz, it is impossible to keep them if they have no Land. So they have no choice but to insist on keeping the Torah, and will abide by the Torah law before any gov't or international law at any cost. They are staying put at any cost and nobody dare try to fight them. Let us pray that Hashem will do as He promised, "Anochi alacheim lachem Veatem Tacharishu".

I believe a strong declaration such as the above along with Tefillah, Matana and preparing for war as did Yakov Aveinu with his dealings with Eisav.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, the "leaders of yesha" are not elected nor are they therefore empowered to represent the interests of the Jewish residents. There are heads of 'Regional Councils', but their mandate is education, sanitation and whatever else the central government lets them manage.

    These individuals, with all the deep respect I have for their contributions over the past thirty years, are in my eyes "Dor Hamidbar" (The Generation of the Dessert). Their time is over and what is needed now are new leaders who are chosen by their peers and who represent the aspirations and interests of the people who choose them!
