Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Comments to video "Torn Together" and Moshe Gelogrorodsky Coming From Shilo to U.S.

I received this email:

Friends,>> Something truly heartrending and beautiful. I highly> recommend you watch this.>> My thanks and my congratulations to> Tzvi Freeman for his touching photo> essay and to for trying to> bring the people of Israel together.>> You can view it by visiting>>> Naomi>

Here are my comments about this video.

I think that there were mistakes that were made initially by Yesha that allowed the disengagement to eventually occur. These mistakes need tikkun. The desire for unity was fed by a legitimate fear of acting independently. The fear was that Gush Katif would never survive Arab agression without support of the Gov't of Israel and Zahal. This fear led to the decisions of Yesha not to take a stand with backbone (peaceful resistance). The video Torn Together allows us to feel good about ourselves which we deserve to feel. However, it does not confront the root of the expulsion.

I would not be surprised if the teenagers who have been in jail (especially the ones that suffered civil right abuses) are resentful of their parents for allowing them to fight a battle that adults should have fought and in fact actually encouraging them (under Pinchus Wallerstein's direction as well as others) to be put in jail.

The pain is too raw. However, this call for unity with a heretical gov't is bringing us to Moshiach through much pain and suffering. (We will all be redeemed but be Chayav as opposed to we will all be redeemed because we are Zakai). I believe separating ourselves as did Avraham from Lot is the temporary solution. After the separation Hashem spoke to Avraham because while Lot was behaving as a Rasha in Avraham's company (greedy, stealing etc), Hashem was unable to reveal Himself. It is important to note that Moshiach comes from both Avraham"s seed Yehudah, and Lot's seed Ruth. The ultimate goal is unity among all of Am Yisroel and no Jew will be left behind.

Initially it is simply too difficult for most of the nation to have a gov't based on Torah. It will be plenty difficult and revolutionary for the Gush Emunim to follow laws that are rediscovered. Most of the nation will say that they do not wish to be coerced.

Another forwarded message I received:
-----------------Forwarded Message:
Moshe Belogorodsky Coming From Shilo to U.S.
9/4/05 11:44:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Miriam Adahan has sent the following plea to the American Jewish community: PLEASE INVITE Chaya and Moshe to speak in your shul or community center. The situation is very desperate in terms of civil rights here. Signed: Dr. Miriam Adahan. Email: For those not familiar with the case, Chaya, a 14 year old, was arrested in Kfar Darom during a demonstration against the expulsion, for speaking with chutzpah to a soldier. Her father Moshe had to publicize the case, full of atrocities, in order to get her out of jail after 50 days. Moshe will be coming from Shilo on a speaking tour from Sept. 15 to October 6. The purpose of his trip is twofold: A. Raise the awareness of the American Jewish community regarding the civil rights abuses that have been and still are going on in Israel, with tens of teens languishing in jail. B. Raise funds for Honeinu, and organization which provides political prisoners with legal help. Today's "BeSheva" newspaper finally reported about the forced strip searches being performed on female anti-disengagement protesters, some of who are minors, by the Maasiyahu prison authorities. Honeinu is the only organization standing up to protect these peoples' civil liberties in court, as well as bringing their plight to public attention. For example, Etti Meidad and her 8-month-old baby have spent the past 3 weeks in jail on trumped up charges. It was the Special Prosecutor Shai Nitzan himself who gave a personal order, immediately after Etti's arrest, to place Zangi's 2 youngest boys in forced adoption. Please help make this trip a success by helping us arrange speaking engagements, parlor meetings, and meetings with prominent figures who can warn the authorities that their activities are under public scrutiny. To help, please contact: I will pass on your message to Moshe. Or you can email him directly at you for caring. (posted Haya Hava Shulman)

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