Thursday, July 02, 2020

Don’t Stand Idly By the Blood of Your Fellow Jew. The Rebbe on Shleimus Haaretz


Don't Stand Idly By the Blood of Your Fellow Jew!

Someone posted this on the FB Group "Chabad English Speakers in Israel" –

In a public talk on Shabbos Parshat Bo, 1976, the Lubavitcher Rebbe stated:

"The Rabbis outside of Israel are doing nothing and raise no voice of protest that territories are being given away. When I ask them: 'Why?' they answer that they cannot do anything without a directive from Eretz Israel! When it is some other negative issue, they do make forceful statements. Yet when the issue is to take positive action, a protest to keep the Land intact [Shleimut Ha-aretz], they respond that they are unable to mix into matters pertaining to the Holy Land because there are many Rabbis in Israel. Their argument is incomprehensible: There is a negative command in Torah "Do not tread on the blood of your brother"! Even when your brother is not close by in the house, but in a distant place and in danger, the obligation is upon you to save him!
"They (the Rabbis) hear that the Israeli government wishes to return the territories, thereby posing a serious threat to life! They choose to remain silent and do nothing but bury their face in the sand. The repercussions for this are most serious, as recounted in the Talmud [Tractate Shabbos 119.2]. As we have said earlier, such a path was already practiced in Egypt. Regardless of the fact that Moses proclaimed that the Geula has arrived, still Jewish People continued to bring Egyptians into their homes.
"Similarly, now, Moses is saying that behold – Moshiach is coming, and yet, regardless, the Jewish leaders are intimidated and are running after the Nations and bringing in the enemy to be among the Jewish People, G-d save us! May it be the will of G-d that we merit the coming of Moshiach immediately in our time!" 

My comments: Yasher Koach to all Rabbonim who are speaking out. 


No To A Palestinian State! A False Premise of the "Deal of the Century'.

Fwd: [nashimbyarok-WIG] Campaign Chazak VeEmatz! קמפיין חזק ואמץ Yes to Sovereignty No to a Palestinian's State.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nadia Matar <>
Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2020, 2:53 AM
‪Subject: [nashimbyarok-WIG] Campaign Chazak VeEmatz! קמפיין חזק ואמץ‬
English follows Hebrew

תנועת הריבונות לנתניהו: עמוד איתן בעד ריבונות ונגד מדינה פלשתינית!


תנועת הריבונות בקמפיין חיזוק לראש הממשלה: נתניהו מצוי בצבת של לחצים מבית ומחוץ. על הימין לעמוד מאחוריו ולקרוא לו לעמוד איתן לצידה של ארץ ישראל.


עם ראשית חודש יולי, בו אמורה ממשלת ישראל לפתוח בהליכי ריבונות ביהודה ושומרון, מפזרים אנשי תנועת הריבונות בצירי תנועה ובמוקדים שונים כרזות ושלטי חיזוק לראש הממשלה על מה שמוגדר בתנועה כעמידה איתנה למען ארץ ישראל.

בכרזות מופיעה פנייה ישירה לראש הממשלה: "ראש הממשלה, בנימין נתניהו, חזק ואמץ'! אל תערוץ ואל תחת כי עמך ה'", נכתב בכרזות הנחתמות בעיקרון אותו מקדמת התנועה ביתר שאת מאז נודע מתווה תכניתו המדינית של נשיא ארה"ב, דונלד טראמפ: "כן לריבונות על ארץ ישראל, לא לפלסטין!".

בתנועה מציינים כי קמפיין החיזוק מימין לראש הממשלה מגיע על רקע השיחות התכופות עם נציגי הממשל האמריקאי והדיווחים המדיניים לפיהם בין וושינגטון לירושלים מתגלעות מחלוקות סביב מהות הריבונות, היקפו של השטח הריבוני בשלבי הראשונים של התכנית וסוגיות מהותיות כהשארת ישובים כמובלעות, הקפאת בנייה וההכרה העקרונית בנכונות למו"מ על הקמתה של מדינה פלשתינית.

"ברור לנו שראש הממשלה וצוותו נמצאים תחת לחצים אדירים מבית ומחוץ. הממשל האמריקאי מפעיל מנופי לחץ לא מבוטלים על מנת להביא את נתניהו להסכמה למתווה הראשוני של תכנית טראמפ מבלי לכלול בה שינויים מתחייבים. מנגד מוצא את עצמו ראש הממשלה תחת לחץ מביתו הקואליציוני כאשר ראשי 'כחול לבן', השרים בני גנץ וגבי אשכנזי, דוחקים בו לדחות את קידום הריבונות, למזער את היקפיה ולהימנע מצעדים היסטוריים כל עוד לא הושגה הסכמה אירופית ואף ערבית למהלך", אומרות ראשי התנועה, יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר.

לדבריהן "במציאות שכזו עלינו לעמוד מאחורי ראש הממשלה מתוך אמונה שבכוחו לנצל את ידידותו המיוחדת עם הנשיא האמריקאי ועם בכירי ממשלו ולהביא לישראל תכנית מדינית חפה משיקולים ואינטרסים זרים, תכנית שכל כולה טובתו של העם היהודי וכזו התואמת את החזון הציוני ואת כיסופיו של העם היהודי לריבונות על ארצו כולה".

השתיים מדגישות כי העיקרון אותו מובילה התנועה במהלכיה ההסברתיים האחרונים, כן לריבונות לא לפלשתין, מחלחל בציבור הישראלי ובקרב ההנהגה, חברי הכנסת והשרים. "חלק מסימני השאלה שהיו בתחילת הדרך עוד צריכים להתברר סביב פרטי ומהות תכנית טראמפ, אך הפרטים שכבר התבררו חיזקו את הבנה שיש לעמוד איתן גם מול ממשל אוהד ולמנוע את חלוקת הארץ, קריעתה והקמת מדינה זרה בליבה".

בתנועה מבטיחים להמשיך ולפעול מול שרים, חברי כנסת ומדינאים במאמץ להבהיר את סכנותיה של התכנית, ו"להביא לשינויים הכרחיים שיהפכו אותה מסכנה לישראל למהלך היסטורי שאינו אלא ראשית צעדי הריבונות".


The Sovereignty Movement to PM Netanyahu: Stand Strong for Sovereignty and against a Palestinian State!


The Sovereignty Movement in its campaign to strengthen the Prime Minister: Netanyahu is under pressure from home and from abroad.

The Right must stand behind him and call on him to stand strong for the Land of Israel.

With the start of the month of July, when the government of Israel is supposed to begin the process of sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, members of the Sovereignty Movement continue with their campaign titled: Yes to Sovereignty, no to Palestine. All over the country ,on billboards,  in traffic junctions and various other locations, members of the movement are distributing flyers and signs to encourage the Prime Minister on what the movement defines as taking a strong stand for the Land of Israel.

The sign on the billboards include a direct appeal to the Prime Minister: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, be strong and of good courage! Do not weaken and do not fear because the Almighty is with you", and conclude with the principle that the movement has been promoting with even greater energy since the outlines of U.S. President Donald Trump's plan became known: "Yes to sovereignty over the Land of Israel, no to Palestine!"

The movement notes that the campaign of encouragement by those to the right of the Prime Minister, arises on the background of the frequent discussions with representatives of the American administration and the political reports that disputes between Washington and Jerusalem are becoming apparent around the essence of sovereignty, the scope of the area of sovereignty in the first phases of the plan and the nature of the sovereignty, leaving Jewish communities as enclaves, a building freeze and recognition in principle of willingness to enter negotiations for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

"It is clear to us that the Prime Minister and his team are under tremendous pressure from home and from abroad. The American Administration is using significant pressure as leverage in order to bring Netanyahu to agree to the initial outline of the Trump plan without including the necessary changes. On the other hand, the Prime Minister also finds himself under pressure from home in his coalition, because the heads of the Blue and White party, Ministers Benny Gantz and Ashkenazi, are urging him to postpone the promotion of sovereignty, to limit its scope and not to take historic steps as long as European agreement, and even Arab agreement for the process, have not been secured", say the co-chairwomen of the movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar.

According to them, "In such a situation, we must stand behind the Prime Minister with the faith that he will be able to utilize his special friendship with the American president and with the senior members of his administration to bring Israel a political plan free of foreign considerations and interests, a plan which is entirely for the good of the Jewish People and one that is in accordance with the Zionist vision and the yearnings of the Jewish People for sovereignty over its entire land".

The two women emphasize that the principle that leads the movement in its recent  hasbara efforts, 'Yes to sovereignty and no to Palestine', is being inculcated into the Israeli public and among the leadership, members of Knesset and the ministers. "Some of the question marks that were there at the outset on the details of the Trump plan still remain to be clarified, but the details that are already known have reinforced the thought that we must stand strong even vis a vis a friendly administration to prevent the division of the Land and tearing it apart to establish a foreign state in its heart".

The movement promises to continue its activities with the ministers, members of Knesset and politicians, in an effort to explain the dangers of the plan, and "to bring about essential changes that will change it from a danger to Israel to a historic step that is just the first step of sovereignty".

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Honenu: GSS (General Security Services) aka Shabak, "Jewish Division of Terror " Strikes again, and again...


אל המקום אשר...

Posted on Shemittahrediscovered

Re: Honenu: Illegal GSS questioning, again

Another Honenu Report: See translation of ynet article below

Shin Bet agent to young man walking around the Temple Mount: "Take responsibility for your actions"

An Israeli young man walking around the Temple Mount gates received a call from a Shin Bet agent two weeks ago asking to meet with him at the police station. The reason: "A security issue related to you, to convey a message (warning)". The agent who said his name was "Banai" added. "You are not a child, You should invest your energy in good directions."

By Gilad Cohen

An Israeli young man taking a tour around the Temple Mount gates recently received a call from a Shin Bet agent who asked to meet with him to send him a message.

The recorded conversation (h) see ynet link

The conversation between the young man and the ISA agent
About two weeks ago, someone called a young man 27 years old, and presented himself as a Shin Bet agent named "Banai" who claimed is responsible for the Temple Mount and Old City of Jerusalem.

The agent, who introduced himself as a "Banai", asked the young man to meet him at a police station for about half an hour. Background: a walking tour D had around the gates of the Old City of Jerusalem with a friend a few weeks earlier.

When D. asked the agent why he wanted to meet with him, he replied that the purpose of the meeting was "regarding some security issue that I see you were related to...relating to the tour around of gates, also a security issue, and send you some new message."

D. asked to continue the call over the phone, but the agent suggested to meet at a police station close to D. and explained: "I think it is less appropriate on the phone, then to meet in person, you also do not know me, just see the phone number ... In the end we need an office to sit down and talk. "

The young man told the agent that he was hesitant to meet him "because there are guys who go to the GSS and cause problems, are recruited by them (with the help of the Shabak), and I don't want to be."

Agent: "I'm already telling you, this is not an investigation, and you are not charged with anything. For me, this is a matter (of meeting a) half hour re: a security issue that is important to convey to you, before there can be implications for this security issue. I don't want to disclose more on a phone call, naturally, you probably understand".

D: "No. What security related matter do you need to talk to me about?"

Agent: "Unfortunately, I am refrained from saying more than I can tell you now. I told you I was in charge of the Old City and the Temple Mount, that which is close to your heart."

Later in the conversation, the agent again tried to convince D to meet him, but D. replied: "Shame on what you do. You live in the concept that there are people here who want to make a trouble, your time is unnecessary/wasted. If the State and Israel really matter to you, you will find another job. How do you sleep at night when you chase the wrong side. "

Agent: "I'm less interested in hearing what you have to suggest. Right now you're the low man of the totem pole activity, you have to take responsibility for your actions."

D: "You [plural] are doing the wrong thing. I am telling you this with love. You'd better think. You're probably getting orders."

Agent: "You're no longer a child. You should invest energy in the right directions."

D. replied: "Public confidence in you [plural] has dropped below zero, because of your activities and how you [plural] behave. Take it to heart," and so the conversation ended.

The Honenu organization, attacked the Shin Bet "The Division on Jewish Terror" does not stop treating innocent civilians and intimidating them. The Shin Bet agent stresses that the guy is not suspicious, and yet he sends uncompromising threats to him.

It is very sad, that the elected officials, mainly the Prime Minister, does not put an end to this misconduct that is repeating itself. As believers we are turning the attention of Bibi to the Master of the World who conducts [His Justice] measure for measure and you are not the first...

The Security Service refused to respond.

My comments:

Basic Civil Rights of Jewish Youth especially Israeli Nationalist Jewish Youth must be protected and they can not be pawns in a political war, whether it is triggered by the "Deal of the Century" or any other political agenda, as were Amiram Ben Uliel and minor A, Duma arson suspects.

The "Jewish Terrorist Narrative" must be the exposed as false and those up to the very top of the Israel political spectrum need to apologize for their personal involvement, credibility and actual words, that spread false lies, innuendo and slander against their innocent Jewish brothers.

This kind of wrongdoing goes back to the sin of Joseph and his brothers.

Unless we raise awareness and act in a capacity of our ability to put a stop to false framing and slander of Jewish Settler Youth, how many additional innocent, idealistic members of our Jewish Youth will be targeted?

It will lie on our collective conscience for not speaking up and for not doing our part to stop baseless hatred.

Sent from ProtonMail mobile

Fwd: Honenu: Illegal GSS שב"כ Shabak Questioning Again. This Time On a Jewish Youth from Tzfat

honenu new logo

Honenu Attorney Menashe Yado; Photo credit: Honenu

Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 10:43 In mid-June, Y. was summoned to the police station in Tzfat and was convinced that he was being called to a police interrogation. When he arrived at the station he was surprised to discover that he had been summoned to a GSS questioning by means of a police summons form despite a prohibition to use a police summons in this way. Several weeks previously the Mivtan, the department of the Justice Ministry which is authorized to investigate complaints by GSS interrogatees, ordered clarification of GSS procedures on this matter and the prohibition was set. Additionally, at the beginning of the questioning Y. was not told that he was allowed to leave, which is also against the law.
Y. said that on the day before the questioning policemen arrived at his home and presented his mother with a police summons form for him. On the afternoon of the following day, Y. reported to the police station and asked the policemen present in the room to show him their police identification cards. He stated that they presented to him identification cards indicating that they were from "The Office of the Prime Minister". Despite his requests they refused to give him their names.
Y. understood from this that he was at a GSS questioning and attempted to leave the station. The policemen refused to open the gate for him and he returned to the questioning. Y., who was careful to maintain his right to remain silent, was questioned by a GSS agent who went by the name "Illouz". The questioning lasted for approximately one hour, at the end of which Y. was released. Y. was not interrogated by the police.
Honenu Attorney Menashe Yado sent a complaint to the Mivtan, a matter of weeks after they had responded to a similar complaint, noting that the Mivtan had already stated that, "There are no grounds for summoning an individual to a GSS questioning by means of a police document."
The complaint describes how Y. arrived at the Tzfat Police Station and "At the station [the agent known as] 'Illouz' was awaiting him and conducted his GSS questioning. The GSS currently repeated behavior that was already determined unacceptable and authorized as such."
The complaint continued: "Illouz" did not verify that Y. was aware that he not obligated to participate in the discussion and "also this was contrary to rules which the High Court of Justice set. Moreover, when my client understood that it was a GSS questioning he asked to leave the station, however the policemen did not open the gate for him and he was forced to remain in the station."
In the conclusion of the complaint Yado noted that the previous response from the Mivtan was received three years after it was filed: "I hope that I will receive a quicker reply this time, concerning the summons via a police form and the fact that [the agent] known as 'Illouz' did not verify with my client that his presence at the questioning was voluntary and that he was allowed to leave, and also their refusal to open the gate to the station."
Honenu Attorney Menashe Yado: "The High Court of Justice rules, the office of the Attorney General censures, but the GSS adamantly continues its attempts to abuse the advantage it has over youths in order to illegally act against them, to violate their freedom, their right to privacy and their right to dignity. We will continue to protect them and their rights."