Thursday, October 04, 2018

Fwd: President Trump Adopts Israel Victory | Letter from Gregg Roman

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From: Middle East Forum <>
Date: Thu, Oct 4, 2018, 10:53 AM
Subject: President Trump Adopts Israel Victory | Letter from Gregg Roman
To: <>

Dear Reader:
In January 2017, Middle East Forum president Daniel Pipes introduced the Israel Victory Project (IVP) in a Commentary magazine article, explaining how Israel, with U.S. support, should compel the Palestinians to give up their irredentist fantasies and bring a permanent end to the conflict.  
Later that year, with MEF help, the Congressional Israel Victory Caucus (CIVC) and Knesset Israel Victory Caucus (KIVC) came into existence and quickly gained support: CIVC has a bi-partisan membership of 33; KIVC has 26 Members of Knesset from 7 different parties.
MEF experts briefed top U.S. and Israeli officials, including: Benjamin Netanyahu (twice), Ron Dermer, David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt, and Victoria Coates – among others.
Analysts have noticed. 

Former UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk writes, "Consider the steps taken by the U.S. government [and] a pattern emerges that seems to be only compressible as seeking the implementation of the Victory Caucus."

Robert Malley (former senior White House official for Clinton and Obama) and Aaron David Miller (long-time Israeli-Palestinian peace process negotiator) write in The Atlantic, "Boiled down to its essence, the administration's message to the Palestinians seems to be: You've lost, get over it."
Click Here To Support Israel Victory
Let's look at that pattern. IVP called on the U.S. government to:
  • Recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel: President Trump has recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the US Embassy there.
  • End benefits to the Palestinians unless they work toward full and permanent acceptance of Israel: The State Department has closed the PLO office in Washington.
  • Change its relations with UNRWA: Trump has cut all support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and rejected UNRWA's strange definition of a refugee.
  • Not recognize a Palestinian state: President Trump has repeatedly refused to do so.
  • End financial aid to the Palestinian Authority: The Trump administration has cut aid to multiple Palestinian entities, including $200 million for the Palestinian Authority, $25 million to the East Jerusalem Hospital Network, and it signed the Taylor Force Act.
President Donald Trump has adopted the Israel Victory approach.  

We need your help to continue our efforts to end Palestinian rejectionism. Click here to support the Israel Victory Project.

We began the Israel Victory Project over a year ago, and since then more and more are joining from all walks of life and across the political spectrum. The victory paradigm is spreading.
As we approach the midterm elections, the Forum's ability to influence MidEast policy in Washington will likely become more difficult – and more important. Please consider donating to MEF to help with our Israel Victory Project.
  • If you haven't yet made a tax-deductible contribution this year, please consider donating at an increase.
  • If you have already made your annual gift, please consider additional support for IVP.
Both of these steps can be done most easily by clicking here. For more ways to support the Israel Victory Project and the Middle East Forum, see below.

Any questions? Please contact MEF's development director Matthew Bennett at 215-546-5460 #114 or


Gregg Roman
Middle East Forum


The Middle East Forum is a publicly supported, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible.

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Whether you make a donation, join as a member, or subscribe to the Middle East Quarterly, we welcome your involvement. Your support helps further our mission of educating Americans about the Middle East and influencing U.S. policy towards that region.




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One woman's view: Kavanaugh protesters are setting women back decades - Latest News - Mike Huckabee

Fwd: TODAY: Rally Against Columbia U. Anti-Semitism. Thursday, Oct. 4th, 4-6pm

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From: Zionist Organization of America <>
Date: Thu, Oct 4, 2018, 10:10 AM
Subject: TODAY: Rally Against Columbia U. Anti-Semitism. Thursday, Oct. 4th, 4-6pm
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Zionist Organization of America 



TODAY: Rally Against Columbia U. Anti-Semitism. Thursday, Oct. 4th, 4-6pm

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For more information contact Morton A. Klein 212-481-1500
Follow @mortonaklein7 on Twitter. Website:

NEW YORK, October 4, 2018

Call To Action against Columbia University! Thursday Oct. 4th, 4:00 — 6:00pm.  We will meet near Columbia's main gates on 115th and Broadway. 

Dear Friends and Israel Supporters,

Please join our protest against Columbia University's mistreatment and lack of protection for Students Supporting Israel who have been harassed and intimated. Time and again, Columbia has done nothing to protect the pro-Israel students, and has shown apathy and total disregard for their safety.  

"All Columbia University students deserve protection! Freedom of speech for all!Members from Students Supporting Israel, Columbia's chapter of Alums for Campus Fairness, faculty, and the local community have had enough. We demand fair and equal treatment by the administration!Last semester SSI filed a detailed, thorough, and evidence-based complaint documenting our members' harassment by anti-Zionist groups and individuals on campus, and of their clearly numbered violations of the CU Rules of Conduct. And yet, Columbia University has taken no action, summarily dismissed the complaint, and left us – its students – without any protection from harassment and bullying. Since then, we have submitted three more complaints, and the Columbia administration has failed to appropriately address any of them. SSI has spoken with university administrators on numerous occasions, but all our requests have fallen on deaf ears. It is time to show the university that we will not stand by quietly while SSI and other pro-Israel students are harassed and systematically silenced on our own campus. Please join us and help us receive the protection we need! Now is the time to stand together! We will meet near Columbia's main gates on 115th and Broadway.


Shoshana Bederman


Full story can be found here: 

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About the ZOA

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the United States. With offices around the country and in Israel, the ZOA educates the public, elected officials, the media, and college/high school students about the truth of the ongoing Arab war against Israel. The ZOA works to strengthen U.S.- Israel relations through educational activities, public affairs programs and our work on Capitol Hill, and to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media, in textbooks, in schools and on college campuses. Under the leadership of such presidents as Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Rabbi Stephen Wise, and current President Morton A. Klein, the ZOA has been - and continues to be - on the front lines of Jewish activism. For more information contact Morton A. Klein 212-481-1500.

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Zionist Organization of America
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United Nations Officials Escape from Gaza into Israel Following Death Threats

Fwd: New Rules for Men

New Rules for Men

And so we have arrived, in the Brett Kavanaugh affair, the inevitable and ultimate apotheosis of #MeToo – the vilification of men qua men.  
Now, one accusation alone  no matter how unsubstantiated and uncorroborated  is enough to ruin a man's reputation, nullify his accomplishments and erase his opportunities...for life.  
This is apparently the standard set, and accepted, by roughly half of the country as represented by the Democrat party.
We have thus entered something new and dangerous.  And in light of this new reality, new rules for men vis a vis the opposite sex are required. Here are some baseline suggestions:
  • Don't hire women.  Where accusations against men are concerned, proof is no longer required, nor presumption of innocence granted. Under these circumstances, why on earth would a man hire any woman or interact with any woman in a professional setting?
  • If a man must interact with a woman in a professional setting, he should do so as little as possible and always with a third and fourth party present (one of whom should be a man).  Never under any circumstances should a man be alone with a female co-worker.  No written communication with a woman co-worker should take place without a boss or supervisor and at least one male co-worker copied on the correspondence. Ditto with text and telephone communications.
  • Do not mentor women or girls, large numbers of whom are clearly unstable, fragile creatures and God knows what they may mis-remember or mis-construe.  Under these circumstances, it is not even remotely worth the risk to help a woman advance her career.  Brett Kavanaugh has spent his life helping women professionally. What good will did it buy him?
  • Dating and romance are now minefields to be traversed with extreme caution, if at all (see above re: mentoring).  Forget making a move, going in for the kiss unless you get express written consent before every move, you run the risk of being labeled a sexual predator for life.  
Even if you do get consent at every stage of the encounter, that still may not be enough. As Cathy Young wrote for the Washington Post, the definition of "consent" is itself disputed and subject to change given the whims of the mob:
"Consent advocates already fret that even an explicit 'yes' may not be given freely enough. A series of educational campus posters includes the warning that 'if they don't feel free to say 'No,' it's not consent'; a Canadian college campaign cautions that consent is invalid if it's 'muted' or 'uncertain' rather than 'loud and clear.'
This advocacy creates a world where virtually any regretted sexual encounter can be reconstructed as assault..."
In other words, we live in a world where a woman can consent to intimacy, then retroactively withdraw that consent (the exact nightmare that comedian Aziz Ansari recently found himself in).  
This is a world in which men and women are not free to find each other, a world in which genuine romance is not possible. 
Romance, after all, requires maturity and acceptance of a certain ambiguity from both parties. It requires that both men and women accept responsibility for their feelings and actions, responsibility that modern women often seem incapable of exhibiting and, frighteningly, are not expected to exhibit.
Nevertheless, men are burdened with strong sexually appetites, appetites honed by millions of years of evolution.  So what of your natural instincts to pursue, court, woo women?  To find one with whom to wed and mate in order to procreate and advance the species?  
All I can say is, good luck my friend. Proceed at your own risk.
Take heart, though. The sex robots are already here, and are daily growing cheaper, better and more widely available. 
It won't be long before men won't need women at all.
Because this ultimately is what men are realizing in our current anti-male hysteria:  That interactions with women are often more trouble than they are worth.  
Congratulations, #MeToo.
The Democrat Party has shown its hand, the only one it uses....the Left Hand. And it's a bloodied one. The recent  Senate assassination gathering, falsely described as "confirmation hearings" for a Supreme Court nominee ended up being a well planned smear campaign the likes of which were never seen in this nation's now filthied capital. This land may never recover from these scenes of utter moral depravity. The sad part of it is that half of our electorate sees no problem with the actions of their leaders.

Has the Democrat Party sunk so low they cannot see how gross and disgusting their behavior was in destroying the character, family and well earned judicial reputation of Brett Kavanaugh, who was blindsided by the accusations of  brutal sexual assaults 36 years ago by (at this writing) a trio of women, all of whom with histories of radical feminism and ties to George Soros, whose testimonies so far are no more than poorly thought out fantasy accusations that would never be taken seriously in any other scenario? Shameful and disgusting that this man, whose blemish-free history as a husband, father, coach, community leader and human being were dragged through the political mud without a thought to the ramifications, not only to this man's life but to the image of this nation, itself.

Here we have the Senate, the upper body of our Legislative branch of government now reduced to the level of a third world nation's Kangaroo Court. Shamelessly, the likes of New Jersey Senator Cory Booker a participant   in this sham who recently revealed that years ago he attempted to rape a woman. Yet he, without any corroborative evidence  accused Kavanaugh of that same crime. Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, who has continually lied about his serving in combat in Vietnam laid into Kavanaugh brutally, again with no thread of evidence to the candidate's having ever even threatened a woman. These Democrats all to a one, once bowed in honor to their long time leader in the Senate, Ted Kennedy whose life was smothered in debauchery of women, even killing one while on a drunken drive in Chappaquiddick during a weekend of sexual womanizing. And this Democrat group is with a straight face, without any conscience at all, rendering judgment on the honor of one such as Brett Kavanaugh?

So, the party bankrolled by the  self admitted Nazi employee, George Soros, is now dragging out women who would testify under oath to any fabricated sexual accusation against any individual selected by President Trump as a Supreme Court nominee is now a given. And we were once proud that our nation had a solid Two Party System. Sadly we have seen half of our well crafted, Constitutional political system now discarded by the bloodied hands of the Democrats. We pray that it can be somehow reclaimed and restored. The only means by which that can be done is by taking it in our own hands this upcoming Election day and voting these scum out of office. Our Founding Fathers are now looking down on us, hoping we have that determination and intelligence to do the right thing. They are praying. So are we.

Alan Bergstein