Sunday, May 12, 2019

Plea Bargain Deal for Elisha Odess. Worthless because not based on Truth or Justice. עסקת טיעון,משׁפּחת אודס


See letter of Odess family below in Hebrew.

Post updated  May 13, 2019 copied from fb see link above. Translation below
*פרשנות מעוותת*

שימו 💔 לניתוח המדהים של הכתב רועי שרון שמגיב לטענות של אראל סגל על כשרות ההודאות שנגבו בעינויים.
כך הוא אומר: "הגיע דומא ועל זה מדינת ישראל שברה את הכלים והלכה לאישורים המיוחדים.. בסופו של דבר בשורה התחתונה תיק דומא לא מפוענח במאה אחוז אבל יש מי שישב בכלא על הצתה. אם הוא יורשע בהריגה או ברצח - הוא יורשע...."
ובהמשך: "הנקודה הכי משמעותית בזה שעמירם בן אוליאל בלי העינויים לא היינו היום במצב שהוא מואשם בשלושה מקרי רצח... בלי אותם עינויים לא היינו מגיעים לזה ותיק דומא היה נשאר בלתי מפוענח."

אם נסכם את דבריו של רועי שרון, באירוע דומא החליטה 'מדינת ישראל' שהיא חייבת לפענח מי היהודים שעשו אותו ולצורך כך היא שברה את הכלים. והנה היא מצליחה באמצעות העינויים להאשים את עמירם בן אוליאל ולהושיב אותו בכלא. כך כנראה מקווה מר שרון.

האמת היא אחרת והיא כואבת. אין שום בדל של הוכחה הקושרת יהודים לאירוע בדומא אפילו לא עסקת הטיעון שנחתמה עם הקטין כפי שהסבירה בהרחבה כרמל דנגור. הדבר היחיד שיש הוא הודאה ושחזור שהוצאו בעינויים שאני מניח שאם מר שרון היה עובר אותם הוא היה גם מודה ומשחזר את רצח רבין. גם רועי שרון יודע שתיק דומא לא מפוענח במאה אחוז, כי זה בלתי סביר בעליל שאדם אחד לבדו עשה את הכל כפי שהודה ושחזר עמירם. לא רק שזה לא סביר, יש עדויות ברורות שמעידות על כך ואף סותרות את כל ההודאה המפוברקת של עמירם. אבל לרועי שרון זה לא מפריע, העיקר שמדינת ישראל יכולה לישון בשקט. יש מישהו שיושב בכלא על אירוע דומא!!!

הוא עשה אותו, הוא לא עשה אותו - מה זה משנה אפשר לשים וי יש מי שיושב בכלא על דומא.

אז רועי שרון אנחנו לא ישנים בשקט. כי במצב בו ניתן לענות אנשים כשהם לא פצצה מתקתקת הוא סכנה קיומית לחופש ולחרות של כולנו. כאשר משיגים הרשעות באמצעים כאלה, אז רוצחים ומפגעים ממשיכים להסתובב חופשי. זה נכון לא רק ביחס לחקירות יהודים אלא גם ביחס לחקירות של ערבים. אנחנו הציבור, אנחנו מדינת ישראל, אנחנו תובעים לחקור את כל ההצתות בדומא כדי להבין האם הכתובות בעברית היו של יהודים או שמא רק היו הטעיה כפי שקרה במקומות אחרים (ראה טובא זנגריה). אנחנו תובעים לבטל לא רק את ההודאות שנגבו בעינויים ישירים כפי שעשה בית המשפט, אלא גם את ההודאות שנגבו תחת האיום המרומז שלהם שאותם הכשיר בית המשפט, כי צריך לשים וי על דומא על אף שברור שאלו הודאות חסרות ערך.
אנחנו אלו שתובעים לשחרר את עמירם מהאישום שגם הפרקליטות יודעת שהוא אישום שווא וגם אתה יודע שהרי אם התיק לא פוענח במאה אחוז הוא לא פוענח בכלל. לו היה עמירם מודה רק בחלק מסויים וחלק היה נשאר לא מפוענח מי עשה אותו, הייתה סיבה לומר שיש הגיון בהתייחסות להודאות שלו. אבל כשברור לכולם שההודאות הן שקריות ולא מציאותיות כיצד ניתן להרשיע על פיהן? לו הפרקליטות לא הייתה מסמנת מטרה להרשעה אלא מחפשת פענוח עמירם כבר מזמן היה משוחרר לביתו. אבל המציאות היא שהפרקליטות מחפשת הרשעה בכל מחיר, וגם כאשר התיק מתפרק לה בין הידיים היא מנסה ליצור רושם כאילו היא הצליחה לפענח משהו בעזרת עסקת טיעון מפוקפקת. אתה רועי נפלת או הפלת עצמך בפח והפכת עצמך שותף לפשעי הפרקליטות.


 A perverted interpretation *

Pay attention to the amazing analysis of the reporter Roy Sharon, who responds to Ariel Segal's claims about the validity and Kosher stamp of the confessions taken with torture.
Duma came and the State of Israel shattered the glass in allowing unusual exceptional authorizations and the bottom line is that the Duma case has still not been solved but there are those who have been jailed for arson

... If he is convicted of manslaughter or murder, fine, he will be convicted ... . "

"The most significant point in the fact that Amiram Ben Uliel without torture would not be in a situation where he is charged with three murders ... Without this torture, we would not have reached to this point, and the Duma case would have remained unexplained."

To summarize Roi Sharon's words, at the Duma Case, the State of Israel decided that it had to figure out  which Jew did it, and for that purpose it shattered the vessel. And now, through torture, she succeeds in accusing Amiram Ben Uliel of sitting in jail. This is what Mr. Sharon is hoping for.

The truth is different and it hurts. There is no shred of proof linking Jews to an event in Duma, not even the plea bargain signed with the minor, as explained by Carmel Dangor. The only thing that is there is a confession and a recovery that were issued with torture, which I assume that if Mr. Sharon had passed them, he would have also admitted and reconstructed the Rabin assassination. Ro'i Sharon also knows that the Duma file is not 100 percent deciphered, because it is clearly unreasonable that one person alone did everything as Amiram admitted. Not only is this unlikely, there is clear evidence to testify to this and even contradict Amiram's fabricated confession. But to Sharon, this does not bother, the main thing is that the State of Israel can sleep peacefully. There is someone who is sitting in jail for a Duma incident !!!

He did it, he did not do it - what difference does it make? Someone who is sitting in jail for Duma.

So, Roi Sharon, we do not sleep quietly. Because in a situation where it is possible to torture people when they are not a ticking bomb, it is an existential danger to the freedom and freedom of all of us. When convictions are obtained by such means, then murderers and perpetrators continue to circulate freely. This is true not only with regard to Jewish investigations, but also with respect to interrogations of Arabs. We are the public, we are the State of Israel. We demand that all the arson be investigated in order to understand whether the Hebrew inscriptions were of Jews or whether they were just deception, as happened elsewhere (see Tuba Zangaria). We demand that not only the confessions taken by direct torture as the court did, but also the confessions collected under their implicit threat, which the court has prepared, be abolished, even though they are obviously worthless.
We are the ones who demand that Amiram be released from the charge that the State Prosecutor's Office knows is a false accusation, and you also know that if the case was not deciphered 100 percent, it was not deciphered at all. Had Amiram admitted only in a certain part, and some would have remained unresolved, who would have done it, there was reason to say that there was logic in referring to his confessions. But when it is clear to everyone that the confessions are false and unrealistic, how can they be convicted? If the State Prosecutor's Office had not designated a target for a conviction, but would have sought to decipher Amiram, he would have been released for a long time. But the reality is that the State Prosecutor's Office is looking for a conviction at any cost, and even when the case breaks up between her hands, it tries to give the impression that it has succeeded in deciphering something by means of a dubious plea bargain. You Roi fell or you fell into the trap and you became a partner to the crimes of the State Prosecutor's Office.

Too bad!!!

In the News.

פרשת העינויים: הסדר טיעון עם הקטין - בלי הרשעה בדומא
​מכה לפרקליטות ולשב"כ: הסדר טיעון צפוי להיחתם עם הקטין שעונה. האירוע בדומא ואירועים נוספים יוסרו מכתב האישום. העונש – עד 5 שנות מאסר

( Credit: English Google Translate)
The Torture Case: A plea bargain with the minor - without conviction in Duma
A blow to the State Prosecutor's Office and the Shin Bet security service: A plea bargain is expected to be signed with the minor who has been tortured, and the incident in Duma and other events will be removed from the indictment.
Elhanan Gruner  New York Times(?)

Basically the Odess family is agreeing to a plea bargain.

The minor will plead guilty to three counts of price tag and conspiracy to arson, but the amended indictment disconnects the minor from the incident in the village of Duma, and does not mention the name of the main defendant Amiram Ben Uriel.

I smell a skunk. 

This plea bargain is another forced confession under duress and should not be considered any different than confessions made under torture.

If the plea bargain confession in any way incriminates Elisha falsely as this email suggests, as they openly admit it is not Emet VeYatziv, (based on truth), this  does not serve justice...not for Elisha and not for the Arab Duma victims of terror.

It serves apparently merely to hopefully allow Elisha to go on with his life free of captivity and wishful thinking, free of  the relentless scrutiny of every move he makes now and in the future..

Personally I don't trust the Government of Israel will even keep their end of the plea bargain since it seems the system is concerned about protecting themselves and saving face and Elisha's welfare is not their top priority. Too much freedom for Elisha means he might possibly conduct media interviews such as were conducted with Ahed Temimi following her release. Surely the government won't risk the embarrassment of the truth being revealed.

Elisha has been in prison for over 3 years, tortured emotionally and physically for a crime he never committed nor convicted of committing..

No one can blame him or his family for this plea bargain.

No one blames him for confessing to an arson he never committed. It sure beats suicide which he apparently attempted as a kid following torture and interrogation and a judge who fell asleep when Elisha showed him his wrists.

His forced confession of the Duma arson was thrown out for good reason. Under torture, physical or emotional, he is not a credible witness against himself. (Who among us would not confess under the circumstances?)

This is just another forced confession by a fake Judicial process that continues to put Elisha and his family  under tremendous emotional duress and emotional blackmail.

The reality is that there is no lawyer in Israel who will dare represent a kid who can legitimately justify bringing charges  against the Prime Minister of Israel, the President of Israel, the Defense Minister of Israel, the Justice Minister of Israel, the Supreme Court of Israel, the Jewish Division of Shabak, MKs, and the Media and prestigious Rabbanim  complicit for prematurely and falsely  condemning "Jewish Terror" in the Duma case, some within 24 hours of it occurring. All the above guilty parties have successfully kept this false narrative going weeks and months and years with no apologies that I know of. (Please correct me if you know of an apology).

 The public condemnation against Jewish Terror in August 2015 soon  went viral, across the globe, even to the New York Times within a week, with no real investigation to speak of. It was based solely on very questionable, nonconvincing Hebrew Graffiti found at the scene of the crime and the "professional expertise and say so" of a biased Jewish Division of Terror of Shabak. 

This Jewish Division within Shabak has a long history and record of looking to manufacture Jewish Terrorists for political motivations.

Based on the given that Hilltop Settler youth are ticking time bombs, tens of innocent, idealistic,  youths who love the Land of ISRAEL, (maybe hundreds), some minors, were denied due process, interrogated, denied counsel and habeas corpus, some tortured emotionally and physically, and worst of all, slandered.  Their good name was publicly smeared by reputable, trusted, powerful and influential leaders of ISRAEL. 

I am not only talking about Elisha and Amiram. Again, tens if not hundreds of Settler Youth were treated as if they were ticking time bombs and this has not ceased till today, as they are at the mercy of Administrative Detention, a politically biased court, biased prosecution, and biased investigation. 

President Trump would accurately call it a "Witch Hunt"!

Hoax crimes like Graffiti has been used way before the Duma arson as a successful tool to incriminate innocent people for political motives.

The Jewish Division of Terror of Shabak has a history of planting agents and moles among Settlers for the purpose of creative a false narrative of Jewish Terror.

If this plea bargain will continue to perpetuate a false narrative, slandering Settlers as "Jewish Terrorists", it serves only to protect all the VIPs who were too quick to condemn the arson on Jews, quick to slander and destroy the lives of beautiful Settler kids and their families for political reasons.

Leadership in the  Settlement Enterprise, so it seems, had no choice but to distance themselves, single out the Hilltop Youth,  or else be slandered along with them. Was it government blackmail? Fear of  losing crucial government stipends, funding for their Yeshivot, and their jobs?  Was there any alternative from their perspective but to join the slander? They too will need to answer to a Higher Authority.

We as a people can choose to persist in this false narrative for the benefit of protecting all those in leadership roles who rushed to falsely condemn Hilltop Settler Youth prematurely for political gain or we as a people can and must insist that there is due process. The courts must free Elisha for lack of evidence and focus on Truth to find the real perpetrators of this Duma arson (who most likely are not Jewish!). 

The very sad reality is that this option was never even explored as opposed to the "Given" which was that the perpetrators were Jewish Youth branded as terrorists.  The  arsonists are still free while Elisha and Amiram are taking the punishment for crimes they never committed.

Am I condemning innocent Arabs for the arson? Chas veShalom! However after 3 years of no credible evidence proving that it was Jews that committed the arson shouldn't we explore the possibility using resources we have, to investigate the Arab clans that perpetuated arson in the past against the Dawebshe family and find the truth and get to the bottom of what happened!

If Nick Sandman's family, the MAGA hat wearing kid, is suing those who slandered his good name for hundreds of millions of dollars, Elisha's family should sue the guilty parties billions of Shekalim and this plea bargain should be rejected in the name of justice! 

Elisha's  3 price tag confessions and confession of conspiracy of arson are simply not credible and in all likelihoid were due to emotional blackmail which is the modus operandi.

The Odess family admit quite openly that it is not based on Truth!

I believe them.

There needs to be some solid evidence other than Elisha's own confessions to incriminate him.

On Sun, May 12, 2019, 3:43 AM <> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Baruch Gordon <>

משפחה וחברים יקרים,
בע"ה, היום - לאחר קרוב לארבעה שנים של התמודדויות לא פשוטות - יחתום בננו אלישע על עסקת טיעון, ככל הנראה.
איננו יודעים כיצד התקשורת תתאר את העסקה, ולכן חשוב לנו לעדכן אתכם מראש.
ההסכם אינו "טוב ויפה" ואף לא "אמת ויציב", אבל לאחר התלבטויות והתייעצויות הגענו למסקנה שזה בע"ה "נכון"!  
שני שיקולים מרכזיים הנחו אותנו בקבלת העסקה: 
האחד, לוודא שלא ייגרם נזק חלילה - בין באופן ישיר, בין באופן עקיף, לאנשים אחרים. ואנו תפילה שאכן כך יהיה.
השני, לאפשר לאלישע לפתוח דף חדש בחייו, בהמשך לתהליך השיקום שהוא עובר.
אנו מודים מאוד לכולכם על שליוויתם אותנו בתפילות ובחיזוקים לאורך הדרך, ומקווים שבחירה זו אינה מאכזבת אתכם, שכן בעולם לא מושלם הבחירות צריכות להיעשות תוך מבט קדימה מלווה באמונה בעתיד טוב יותר.
עדיין לא מדובר בסוף פסוק, וגם בעניין זה אין לנו שליטה כיצד ביהמ"ש יכריע, אך אנו מרגישים שעשינו את ה"השתדלות" המירבית, ומתפללים לסייעתא דשמיא.
בהוקרה רבה,
משה ונעמה אודס

Letter written in English. Not exact translation
Dear Friends,
By now I imagine that you have heard that we accepted the plea bargain offered to us. It was with tremendous discussion, deliberation and great qualms that we decided to accept the offer.
Two principles guided us.  The first being the ability to put this saga behind us and allow Elisha, full rehabilitation and to move on with his life.
The second was that the plea bargain would not  compromise any other defendant.
We pray that these goals will be achieved.
In addition, we did not agree to  admit that Elisha is part of a terrorist organization. Therefore it will be decided by the court.
We deeply appreciate your prayers, care and support throughout.
In an imperfect world one must look forward and have Emunah that a better future lies ahead of us.
This is not the end and we have little control over the final verdict so we continue to pray for help from Hashem.
With great appreciation,
Naama Odess.

ההסכם אינו "טוב ויפה" ואף לא "אמת ויציב", אבל לאחר התלבטויות והתייעצויות הגענו למסקנה שזה בע"ה "נכון"!

The agreement is not "nice and good" and not "true and stable," but after deliberations and consultations we reached the conclusion that this is "correct"! (As in politically correct? My comments)

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Fwd: IPT Exclusive: MAS Lied About School in Jihad Video Being a "Separate Entity"

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From:Steven Emerson <>
Date: Wed, May 8, 2019, 2:41 PM
Subject: IPT Exclusive: MAS Lied About School in Jihad Video Being a "Separate Entity"
To: <>

Steven Emerson, Executive Director May 8, 2019

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IPT Exclusive: MAS Lied About School in Jihad Video Being a "Separate Entity"

by Steven Emerson
IPT News
May 8, 2019

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 The Muslim American Society (MAS) Philadelphia chapter had a clear message after a shocking video showed up on its Facebook page last month showing school children lip-syncing to a pro-jihad song that called for beheading and torturing Israelis.

We have nothing to do with it, MAS-Philadelphia said in a statement condemning the video's content.

Even though the school is called MAS Leaders Academy, and even though it was among many school videos posted on MAS social media outlets, the statement described it as "a separate entity renting space from MAS Philadelphia."

Pennsylvania corporate records tell another story.

MAS-Philadelphia has existed at least since 2003, records obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism show. But it filed new articles of incorporation April 25 under the name Muslim American Society of Phila, Inc.

Those records and the Leaders Academy corporate records were filed by the same person, an accountant named Amro Azazi. MAS-Philadelphia and the Leaders Academy share the same mailing address. They also share at least two officers. Naser Khatib and Jehad Salem are listed on last month's MAS filing, the records show. And they were listed on the Leaders Academy's 2017 corporate records.

MAS-Philadelphia incorporators from articles filed April 25.

The names listed in 2017 as Leaders Academy incorporators.

Khatib was listed as treasurer in the MAS-Philadelphia 2003 corporate record.

In addition, Rimah Hasan, another person listed on the MAS Leaders Academy articles of incorporation, self identifies as a past MAS employee on her Facebook page.



MAS' desire to distance itself from the video is understandable. First reported by the IPT, it showed "Ummah Day" videos featuring elementary school aged Leaders Academy students. Ummah generally refers to the overall Muslim community. The children lip-synced to a song which included verses saying, "The blood of the martyrs is calling us." Elsewhere, the children continued acting out the song with light choreography, even when it promised Israelis that revolutionaries would "chop off their heads ... and we will subject them to eternal torture."

The song was produced by "Birds of Paradise," which makes popular children's songs, which often carry disturbing messages about martyrdom for Palestine.

The video's appearance on MAS social media pages was another fluke, the MAS-Philadelphia statement said.

"Unfortunately, the video from the school was uploaded to the chapter's Facebook page without verifying the content of the video for appropriateness and making sure it conforms to our hate-free policy and values. The chapter will take further steps in assuring strict adherence to publishing and posting policies."

MAS, meanwhile, is acting like it has something to hide. Not only did it take down the Ummah Day video, it took down all MAS Leaders Academy videos, including a graduation ceremony. The entire MAS-Philadelphia Facebook page was down Wednesday.

MAS was formed by Muslim Brotherhood members in the United States, who debated whether to be open or secretive about their affiliation, the Chicago Tribune reported in 2004, after interviewing MAS founders. The Brotherhood, based in Egypt, is devoted to Israel's destruction. The original Hamas charter acknowledges that it was created by the Brotherhood to be "of the links in the Chain of Jihad in the confrontation with the Zionist invasion."

In that light, the songs in the Ummah Day video are not wildly out of step with a Brotherhood-linked group.

As we noted Monday, pro-jihad rhetoric – especially involving Palestinians – has been repeatedly invoked by MAS officials and speakers at its conferences. Past president Esam Omeish praised "our Brothers and Sisters in [Palestine] ..." during a 2000 speech, for "you have known that the Jihad way is the way to liberate your land."

This came during the height of the second intifada, which was dominated by a wave of suicide bombings targeting Israeli civilians.

Years later, MAS hosted radical Egyptian cleric Ragheb Elsergany at its annual conference co-organized by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) after Elsergany told a previous conference that it's a duty "for all Muslims to liberate all of Palestine from the North to the South, from Al Quds to the sea, it's a duty for all Muslims to liberate one complete full land of Palestine. It's not just about liberating Al Quds. It's all occupied!"

This history becomes even more relevant when MAS seems to be actively misleading the public about MAS Leaders Academy being "a separate entity."

MAS leaders need to do more than condemn the Birds of Paradise song performed by schoolchildren at the Ummah Day event. They should restore all the videos to determine whether this really was a failure by one staffer, whom they claim was fired.

Research Analyst Teri Blumenfeld contributed to this report

Related Topics: Muslim American Society (MAS)  |  Steven Emerson, MAS Leaders Academy, indoctrination, Birds of Paradise, Ummah Day, anti-Semitism, Esam Omeish, Ragheb Elsergany

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