Monday, December 05, 2016

Jared Kushner's Family Donated Thousands to Projects in Judea and Samaria - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Fwd: Help Save Amona from Demolition! A Cry for Help from The People of Amona. How do we donate to the Amona effort?


Dear Israel Activists, Lovers of Eretz Yisroel and Judea and Samaria and Supporters of Amona, amv"sh

Please read this link in Arutz7:

Regulation Law may not save AmonaPM and Finance Minister call to drop from Regulation Law provision which would prevent destruction of Amona

Dear Activists...Please let the Prime Minister Netanyahu and MK Naftali Bennett know that the regulation bill must include Amona! They can not use Amona as a bargaining chip for the Regulation Bill.  

The destruction of Amona and any other settlement that was approved by the Israel Supreme Court till now, will undermine the point of this bill which is the goal of our enemies.  It is not an option and is not on table!

Our enemies has always and will take the opportunity to increase terror whenever homes in Judea and Samaria are demolished in the name of "peace".  It is a tremendous Chillul Hashem!

When we go up to Shamayim they will ask each and every one of us what we did to make sure that 40 families and 200 children were not displaced, traumatized and made homeless by the gov't of Israel and a Court ruling that is immoral and anti Torah. 

Help Save Amona From Demolition by The People of Amona

Please sent the following Knesset Members a piece of your mind regarding saving Amona and may Hashem send us many miracles and blessings in kind!

Thank you Renanah Goldhar Gemeiner and Judy Kalish from AFSI for this fundraising link!  Thank you Susie Dym of Mattot Arim for the MK's email addresses.

"And Yaakov Left..." A Year Since Rav Yaakov Litman and His Son Were Mudered


It's hard to watch this without crying...

May Hashem restore for us the Beit Hamikdash

שיבנה בית המקדש במהרה בימינו ותן חלקינו בתורתיך..ושם נעבדך ביראה כימי עולם וכשנים קדמניות...וערבה לה׳ מנחת יהודה כימי עולם וכשנים קדמניות...

Duma. The Forgotten Fire? By Martin Sherman | Jewish & Israel News My comments..


Excellent article by Martin Sherman!

Duma is notorious for being a place which there is a blood libel of Jews against their fellow hilltop youth Jews.

It is almost certainly Arab arson that set fire to Arab homes killing an Arab family for which Jewish youth were falsely accused, were wrongly imprisoned and tortured and falsely confessed under duress.

What will it take for Jews to wake up? In the wake of Israel's Supreme courts zealous rule to enforce an immoral law to expel 40 families with 200 kids from their homes in Amona and elsewhere, to expel Jewish settlement in Samaria from their rightful homes, the country now gets a taste of what it feels like to be displaced and homeless.

I might wish that Judgement from a Heavenly Court selectively bring fires and destruction upon the homes of those who are to be responsible and complicit with Amona's destruction and allows those who are callous to their brothers pain to get first hand knowledge of such pain.    Midah keneged Midah as is the case of the punishment of Aidim Zomemin to those who conspire and submit false testimony so they too will receive the  punishment that their testimony would have wrought upon innocents.

But I don't wish this on anyone, even upon my worst enemy. I understand that this decision to destroy Amona is not malicious but rather one that is governed by political considerations that blinds many wise individuals.

 I wish that they wake up first and stop this evil edict..

There is no doubt that standing idly and allowing the govt to go ahead with immoral demolitions in the name of rule of law will harness Divine retribution.

Let us open our eyes and stop persecuting the dust of the earth, the people who love the land of Israel and are holding on to it by their fingertips.

Let us admit our travesty of justice to the creme de la creme our hilltop youth and to the Duma suspects who were tortured and framed.

And let us stop threatening Amona with destruction.