Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Never Again is Now, Powerful Youtube video from Buddy Macy and Stan Zir


Dear Activist List, amv"sh

We all know Buddy Macy.  We know about his caring and his sincerity.  We know that above all he is a kind and refined person who does not promote violence and bloodshed. He is vegetarian and  promotes healthy living lifestyles. 

 What drives him to produce this Youtube which calls for the destruction of the nuclear capabilities in Iran? What inner strength drives him to produce this gory picture of a pending Holocaust unless we act!

It is precisely his hatred of death and violence that is driving him to raise awareness.  Buddy wishes  us to wake up and respond to the real nuclear threat facing us.  As Rav Amnon Yitzchok said. "i am not hear to scare you.  I wish merely to inform you...."

Stan Zir, a Holocaust survivor's personal life experience speaks for itself.  He does not want history to repeat itself.

As a daughter and daughter-in-law of Holocaust Survivors , I believe with my heart and soul that Never Again is Now unless we are Chozer Beteshuva, return to G-d  and take the Torah to heart and proclaim Hashem's promise to Abraham "Lezaracha Etein Es Haaretz Hazos", To your seed i will give this Land.  Please sign the petition

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <vegibud@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 2:46 PM
Subject: Video: Holocaust Survivor Says "NO" to Iran Nukes/Two-State
To: faigerayzel@gmail.com

Israelites - Stop the politicians from playing Russian roulette with Israel's life!


The vultures of death are circling Israel. There is a nuclear inferno burning in Israel's backyard that is threatening to engulf the entire nation of Israel in flames, and a proposed two-state FINAL "Solution" that will lead to the destruction of the Jewish State from within.


Visit www.NeverAgainIsNow.com, and watch and listen as a Holocaust survivor explains what must be done to rescue Israel, America and the World. Then, please read and sign the Jewish People's Declaration of Independence. The signatures will be presented to Congress and the White House during the week of November 9, 2009, the anniversary of Kristallnacht, in remembrance of those who perished in the Holocaust. We, the living, have a moral obligation to speak out for Jews in peril.


Please share this email with your entire list and discuss its contents at your synagogue or church, school, work…everywhere. Help us make this the Number 1 video on YouTube; for, we must let the world know that "Never Again" is not just a hollow phrase, and that the Jewish People will never again go silently into the night.


Stan Zir

Buddy Macy


P.S. If the website is down, please click on the following link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBuFuqcgvv0.

Ted Belman
054 441 3252

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