Tuesday, December 09, 2008

To the Manhigut Team - bs"d May you go from Strength to Strength LeToval - Yasher Koach! Robin


To Moshe Feiglin and the Manhigut Team!

You are a team that has fear of G-d and truly committed and connected to the Torah! 

May you continue to educate the people with our Jewish Heritage and lead the Nation of Israel with strength against our common enemy.who have shown their true colors in Mumbai.

Let the leftist Media not learn firsthand as did Dan Perl what the Jewish Nation is up against in this present time, and work with us rather than against us to destroy our common hateful enemies rather than portray those like Moshe Feiglin that stand for good, justice and peace with name calling such as  "hawkish, extremist, radical or fanatical".

Let their eyes be open to understand that it is them, the leftist media  that is empowering the forces of evil to continue and let them understand that it is the very individuals whom they mock that are truly desirous of goodness, real peace and prosperity.

I hope it doesn't take an attack on Ben Gurion runways or on a nuclear power plant from the newly established "State of Palestine", G-d forbid, (now within shooting range),  to penetrate the minds of leftist reporters such as Josh Mitnick and give them an understanding that what they have reported through their depiction of Fatah as peaceloving and moderate is actually the very opposite.  Let them realize that they have indirectly strengthened Islamic fundamentalism, and Nazi ideology with their leftist media slant, one sided and inaccurate reporting.

We do not want them to learn the hard way or for them or their kids to witness more gruesome torture and mutilation of innocent civilians firsthand.

Fear of the One and only G-d and respect for our H-ly Torah is the first step towards this understanding. If they show tolerance for  "religious" beliefs of our enemies, who advocate our destruction, can't they first show some tolerance and go back to their own Jewish Heritage for some answers. .

We want the leftwing Jewish journalists to gain an  understanding before it is too late.

Moshe Feiglin has overcome in spite of spiteful press and may he continue to win the hearts and mind of the people.

1 comment:

Coolio said...

thanks i can finally begin to try to gasp for air the real question is first what do we do? then what does likud do? and the next question is what does people who care about jewishleadership do?? this is a rough time