Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Urgent Action Item Response to Calling Campaign to Rav Perlow and Rav Kamenetsky


In a previous email I wrote about a calling campaign to Rav Perlow the Noveminsker Rav as well as Rab Shmuel Kamenetsky and ask them why they remain silent when there is talks going on to give away 93% of Judea and Samaria and dividing Yerushalyim. Below are some of our readers responses to this urgent action item

Please continue to put on the pressures to those in the inner circle of Agudath Yisroel of America. The internal pressure makes a world of difference. We have inside knowledge that if a Mishlachat of Chashuva Rabbanim from Chutz LeAretz such as the Rav Perlow, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Matisyahoo Solomon, Rav Malkiel Kotler, etc. would send a contingent to Erez Yisroel to ask Rav Eliashiv shlita  to make a public statement regarding our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel that it would be Mashpia. 

Shoshana of Beit Shemesh writes:

Regarding the Novominsker Rav et al, I don't know whether to be shocked or not, as our Rabbanim have continued to disappoint in matters relating to Eretz Yisrael, for about 150 years now.  The question is why??
If you haven't already, try to read "Em HaBanim Semaicha" by HaRav Teichtal.  He was a Rav in Europe before WWII, and very stronly anti-Zionist.  The sefer he wrote, in hiding during the war, publicizes his teshuva and change of heart/mind on that  topic, and he quotes the Vilna Gaon, who says that many rabbanim are guilty of Chet HaMeraglim when it comes to their attitude toward Eretz Yisrael.  It is translated by Rav Moshe Lichtman (any other translation is without express approval of the Teichtal family) and it is fascinating.  All of the quotes in the sefer from Tanach, Gemara etc., were written from memory, as Rav Teichtal did not have access to his sefarim when he wrote it.  He was killed at the very end of the war, trying to save someone else, and the manuscript was discovered and published by his family.
I wish you Chodesh Tov, Ksiva v'Chasima Tova and much koach to continue your struggle for Klal Yisrael.
Kol tuv.
Beit Shemesh (former New Yorker)

Rena writes:

I heard this also last night from friends who were visiting from Jerusalem.  Rab Perlow told someone not to bother him about the fact that Jerusalem was to be divided or that Judea and Samaria were going to be given away.  I guess that the gedolim who live in America don't believe in HaShem and the very miracle that He has created in bringing Jews back to Eretz Yisrael.  How can they live there?  I just don't understand.  Rena 

Robin's response to Rena:


Dear Rena, amv"sh

I believe that is the test of our generation.  Apparently Hashem has made the Gedolim blind.  It is for the purpose of tikkun Chait Hamiraglim and to unite religious and secular Jews in the fact that we are all as one a human and an imperfect generation when it comes to our practice of Torah. Our generation must not cry a bechiya ledorot and therefore not accept a Rabbinic and Spiritual Leadership attitude of being like grasshoppers.  It is for our Spiritual Leaders benefit and ultimately for our own that we reject this position of Silence regarding our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel and place our faulty leadership in a position of recognition and sincere regret and kabbala al haatid to speak out with clarity for Eretz Yisroel. Since indeed the Gedolim have the potential of being Gedolim Batorah together with a generation who is worthy and united and insist to show uncompromising belief in the Torah and our Covenant and not accept any other Gods (be it in the form of bribery and tuition subsidies or fear of foreign nations) that masquerade as Torah. It is not with arrogance that I say this since I see my own faults clearly and know that I too am unworthy in many areas of Torah as well.

Kol Tuv and thanks so much for writing and if you can get more information of the people who have evidence that the Gedolim are turning a blind eye, I believe it is proper to advertise it for the purpose of preventing further disengagements and tragedies upon Am Yisroel because of silence and inaction on the part of hundreds of thousands of caring Jews that follow their Rabbinic Leaders. 

Lester writes:
Dear Robyn:
I just spoke to Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky.  He listened to me patiently. I asked him for the help you are suggesting.  Asking him to think about it.  He said OK.
Yours Lester

Robin's response to Lester:


Dear Lester, amv"sh

Thank you so much for writing!  That seems consistent with Rav Kamenetsky's  typical response.  He is polite and empathetic and I've personally spoke to him on a number of occasions but unfortunately he has not instructed the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation to speak about our entitlement to Eretz Yisroel in their programming.  Last Tisha Baav they featured Dovid Hatuel speak about retaining faith in Hashem in spite of unbelievable tragedies yet no mention was made of the Disengagement or of the fact that these terrorists committed such a horrific crime and that we must fight such terror. Dovid Hatuel himself did not mention the Disengagement and its tragedy.  He only spoke of his personal tragedy of losing his wife and children and somehow getting the strength to carry  by keeping his faith in Hashem.  I have personally called Michael Rothchild Executive Director who seems extremely empathetic but his hands apparently are tied by their Rabbinic Leadership.  I am convinced that his  organization, the Chofetz CHaim Heritage Foundation can iif they choose to do so make an unbelievable difference in fact it is for this reason alone to counter the sin of the Miraglim was this organization brought to such popularity and greatness.

This past Tisha Baav they spoke about conquering the bad MIddah of envy and no mention of the terrible decree of the Roadmap or the establishment of a Palestinian State or the sorry state of Sderot as a result of the Disengagement and the tragic consequences of our brethren if such a decree was enacted.

They speak about Ahavas Yisroel etc. but ignore the fact that we allowed Gush Katif to happen and are not preventing another Gush Katif to happen to hundreds of thousands of Jews of Judea and Samaria.  Are all these lectures merely lip service.  I would call Rabbi Kamenetsky again.  He told me on the phone that the religious Zionists believe that Eretz Yisroel is the entire Torah.  I answered him isn't Shabbat Kenegged Kol Hatorah Kulah and that Shabbat Haaretz which is Shemittah also Keneged Kol Hatorah Kula.   I remember reading a Medrash that says that Eretz Yisroel is Kenegged Kol Hatorah Kula.

If you look at Chumash from the first Rashi till the last pasuk, the entire Chumash has references to Eretz Yisroel and keeping the Mitzvoth in Eretz Yisroel.   I believe that Rav Kamenetsky should be engaged in an open debate regarding this topic and not only when he controls which questions he will answer but in an equal setting with someone that wishes to challenge his position of Silence regarding Eretz Yisroel.  Thank you for calling.

Shmuel in a voice mail said (not verbatum);

Our desire to rebuild the Temple can not be actualized if we give away Har Habayit and apparently it doesn't seem to be a consideration to Rav Perlow.  Perhaps we should choose as our Rabbinic Leaders Rav Ariel and Rav Chaim Richman of Temple Institute and to Rav Zuhn who has a Kollel to study the practical laws of  Karbanot in a practical preparation for Moshiach's arrival.

Yosef instant messaged me

I called, Rav Perlow said he didn't want to discuss it and I asked "why"? He answered that he was hanging up the phone.


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