Thursday, March 20, 2008

The pressure from abroad to free Tzvia made the difference.Our work just beginni

Re: Tzvia, Please clarify what we can do in America. 
Date: 3/19/2008 8:18:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

March 19, 2008

Pidion Shvuim Alert:
No. 4

After nearly four months in prison, Tzvia Sariel is found not guilty of assaulting an Arab.

    Tzvia Sariel, the 18-year-old Jewish girl who spent four months in prison without formal charges, was freed by an Israeli judge on March 19. Judge Navah Bechor, who just two weeks ago sent Tzvia to another month
 in jail despite the recantation of the chief prosecution witness, acknowledged that there was insufficient evidence against the Jewish activist from Elon Moreh.
    There is only one reason Tzvia was released, an assessment even acknowledged by Israel state radio, controlled by the Olmert government: massive Jewish pressure, particularly from abroad. Over the last five days, Tzvia was brought to court three times amid increasing outrage by Jews all over the world regarding her plight. Tzvia's release directly stems from your wonderful efforts.
    We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your phone calls to the Israel embassy, Congress and State Department. We KNOW that they made an immediate difference. The Olmert government wanted to make Tzvia an example for the tens of thousands of young Jews who don't want to see the destruction of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. Tzvia was brave and we helped her stay brave.
    Unfortunately, our work has just begun. There are plenty of others who are the victims of the Olmert policy to destroy Jewish communities. They have been charged and convicted on trumped-up offenses or on the basis of no evidence at all. They need our help and we will inform you about them over the next days. Tzvia was released in time for Purim, when tragedy turned into celebration. Let's keep up the momentum.

Purim Sameach,

With Love of Israel,
Datya Itzhaki



Thank you Datya for all that you and others have been doing in Eretz Yisroel  This is the least we can do in chutz learetz.  Baruch Hashem we were Matzliach.  Kol tuv, Robin.   

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